23 Professional Gifts For Judges & Lawyers

You may approach the bench, but not without one of these delightful law themed gift ideas for judges.
thoughtful gifts judge gifts retirement gift

If you’re looking for the perfect gift for the chancellor, magistrate, or judge in your life, look no further. The evidence is overwhelming – here are 22 gifts that are better than any court ordered settlement. These thoughtful gifts for judges will make the case for you being the best gift giver in your entire jurisdiction – they will make you want to give a sworn testimony to their awesomeness. Let me rephrase; I solemnly swear that these gift ideas will be the best, the very best, and nothing but the best, so help me Internet (okay, I’m sorry I’ll stop). Also, if you think your judge friend like gadgets and gizmos, head on over here to our list of gadgets for men.

Best Gifts For Judges & Lawyers

judges gifts

If you know a judge, I implore you to make sure that they have at least one gavel and sound block in every room of their home. Once a person is appointed judge, they have gavel privileges 24/7 – don’t fight it. This makes one of the best personalized gifts for judges!

gifts for new judges

Approach that judge’s mouth with these Approach the Bench chocolate bars. There’s something about these that makes me wish they had nuts…Great for a gift-basket to welcome a newbie or celebrate a retiree.

judge gift

If you’re looking for a gift for a judge who is also a baseball fan, and those are really the only two things you know about the person, this gift is a slam dunk, I mean grand slam, I mean home run.

scales of justice medallions

Yes, this is the very same statue that furthered so many plotlines in How To Get Away With Murder, a show about sexy, murdering, lawyers that I assume every law professional is obsessed with.

Does judging stop once court is adjourned? No. And when you’re a judge, you never know when you’re going to need to call order These subtle silver cufflinks are adorned with petite gavels that command respect, both judicially and sartorially.

What better way to compliment silver gavel cufflinks than with a silver gavel tie clip? If it’s too clever, you can do either/or, but we say the more sparkle, the better. A perfect stocking stuffer this holiday season.

gifts for judges and lawyers

Sending someone to law school for the price of a medium pizza with two toppings is exactly as generous as sending someone to actual law school or buying them a pizza. I won’t be persuaded otherwise.

lady justice

Keep these little stainless steel charms tucked under your shirt cuff for luck, or let them jangle around your wrist in a loud proclamation of your love of the law.

gift for new judge wine holder

Does it go without saying that easy days call for full glasses of wine too? Regardless, whoever uses this glass can bend the rules however they like: full and easy, cranky and empty, overflowing and rough.

The morning after a night spent with the Law Pros Wine or Custom Whiskey Glass is probably going to require the executive decision maker paperweight. Hopefully, those mornings won’t be spent in a courtroom, but hey, I don’t want to tell anyone how to live.

There are a few different ways people see lawyers; Saul Goodman, Atticus Finch (pre-Go Set A Watchman), and this New Yorker cartoon. If you’re shopping for the latter of those three archetypes, I would go ahead and send them this book.

Practicing law all day can make a person thirsty (for bourbon). A personalized tumbler will ensure there is always a glass ready when court is out of session.

fun gifts for judges gag gift

A man calls a lawyer and asks, “How much would you charge to answer three quick questions?” The lawyer replies, “A thousand dollars.” “A thousand dollars?” exclaims the man. “You don’t think that’s too expensive?” “Of course, it is,” says the lawyer. “Now, what’s your third question?” ZING! One of the best gifts for judges and lawyers!

For all the board game loving legal people out there, this will definitely fill your void! Learn law the fun way as you make your way through law school, past the bar exam and into your own practice and the courtroom. Truly a fun game for all!

Technically this is a fruit bowl, but it’s also an elegant piece of office decor and a potential candy dish, which is an office necessity. Either way, it’s a lovely gift for your libra/judge/lawyer friend.

Rule #3 I get a gavel in every room of the house. Rule #4 I can use that gavel whenever I GD feel like. Rule #5 Don’t touch my mug.

Why not have a tie that literally says “Guilty , Not Guilty” for the judge in your life? It’s probably a phrase they’re pretty comfortable with. Also great for the person who’d rather have their tie speak for them when people ask what they do for a living.

A little judicial bling never hurt anybody. This is the gift for the judge who likes to sparkle on and off the bench; who talks with their hands, and wears french cuffs. That describes a judge somewhere, I’m sure.

Did you think I was joking when I said a gavel in every room? I assure you, I was not.

personalized hanger

The discerning judges in your life should obviously be hanging their judicial robes from handcrafted personalized hangers. Each of these handmade wooden hangers can be customized to say just about anything; Judge Pudge, Judge Geek, Judge Ninja etc.

Remember the year they passed the state bar or celebrate their first Christmas as a judge or lawyer. From now on all the ornaments will be law-themed and the tree topper is going to be lady justice, so they might as well start with this one.

This wooden business card holder is of outstanding craftsmanship. You can have it personalized for the judge or lawyer in your life - another great gift for judges!

gifts for judges

This gorgeous tray makes a great house decor item, and if your judge is a Libra, this is even more perfect as a birthday gift!

Best Gifts For Judges | FAQs

What is the best gift for judges?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer when it comes to finding the perfect gift for a judge.

Some great options include books on law or their favorite legal case, plaques or tokens of appreciation, subscriptions to legal journals, nice pens or sets of stationery, gift certificates to law bookstores or online retailers, and baskets filled with goodies like legal pads, highlighters, and coffee mugs with the judge's name on it. No matter what you choose, be sure to show your appreciation for all they do!

Tags holiday season, custom gifts, gifts for judges

best gifts judge's office

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